Forgiveness is divine
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Whenever I feel I’ve been wronged or somehow offended, I try to remember to ask myself how it compares to the wrongs inflicted on Jesus Christ. If we are to be truly Christlike, we have to ask this question, because it puts forgiveness in a whole new perspective. Has someone hurt my feelings? How much
- Published in Commentary
Being a better spouse
Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Have you ever noticed the abundance of pop psychology books and self-help tomes on marriage that all seem to focus on getting what you want from marriage rather than supplying what your spouse wants and needs? Does it never occur to these people that the human soul is most satisfied when it is serving others,
- Published in Commentary
Our pattern is a person
Monday, 04 October 2004
Many of us have labored too long under the impression that our ultimate pattern to emulate is the new testament church, as derived by a rational analysis of the language of the new testament. This concept has some value in determining God’s will, no doubt. But interpreting these patterns as our law to be bound
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Law
The Christian Yom Kippur