Worshiping According To The Pattern
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
The following introductory chapter to Ketcherside’s book According To The Pattern is perhaps one of the most hard-hitting commentaries on the inherent logical problems with so-called “pattern theology,” i.e. the idea that we have to conform our “worship services” to the “pattern” that the first century church set for us. The problem is that the
- Published in Reviews, W. Carl Ketcherside
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200th Anniversary of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address
Monday, 05 October 2009
While I’ve often said that I don’t believe unity can be manufactured by unity meetings, organizations, and resolutions (because unity is a point of view, i.e., something that exists in the hearts of believers), there is something to be said for the ability of unity meetings to assist in changing hearts and minds. Diane and
- Published in Reviews, Thomas Campbell
Worshipping on Mountains
Wednesday, 02 March 2005
I found a very funny and useful parody about “prooftexting” our beliefs, written by a blogger named Rey at BibleArchive.com. I disagree with Rey on some important points of theology, like “eternal security” and insisting that being immersed into Christ is trying to be saved by our “works.” Rey, my friend, keep reading those Scriptures
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Reviews
CH_CH: What’s Missing?
Monday, 28 February 2005
There’s a good article entitled “CH__CH: What’s Missing?” in the March issue of The Gospel Message. Brother Tom Woody and I undoubtedly share a profound love for assembling together with the Lord’s people, and his essay ought to get you fired up for it. The goal, of course, is not simply “attendence,” which is worthless
- Published in Reviews