Speculative theology
Thursday, 27 January 2005
Here’s some speculative theology produced by creeds: The Western form of the Nicene Creed differs from the Eastern in what it says about the Holy Spirit. The Eastern form, following that adopted at Constantinople, says that the Holy Ghost “proceedeth from the Father.” The Western form of the Creed adds the words, “and the Son”
- Published in Commentary
Foundation of Christian union
Thursday, 27 January 2005
The following is an excerpt from Alexander Campbell’s Foundation of Christian Union. I’ll put the last paragraph first to entice you to read the whole thing and bear with our brother’s generous use of commas: Let THE BIBLE be substituted for all human creeds; FACTS, for definitions, THINGS, for words; FAITH, for speculation; UNITY OF
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Commentary, Unity
The whole Bible is our creed
Wednesday, 19 January 2005
The whole Bible is our creed, but what exactly does that mean? This is one of the most difficult issues for any Christian to think through, as evidenced by the number of debates over creeds through the millennia. Campbell, in the Parable of the Iron Bedstead, was gently urging his brothers at the time to
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Bible, Commentary
My creed…and mine alone
Wednesday, 15 September 2004
I think the restoration movement slogan “no creed but the New Testament” may need further discussion of the word “creed.” Creed: n. – A formal statement of religious belief; a confession of faith; a system of belief, principles, or opinions. [As defined by Dictionary.com] If that is all that is meant by the term “creed,”
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Bible, Church, Commentary
A toothless watchdog