Walking in the light of…love?
Monday, 29 July 2013
Many of us have been taught something very wrong about 1 John 4:8 – “Walk in the light as he is in the light and you’ll have fellowship one with another.” We’ve been told that if our brother is not walking in the light (as we obviously ARE…LOL), then we can’t have fellowship with him,
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Solving For Love In The Equation of Life
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
The other day I read an article by a woman who had some painful experiences as an adoptive mother and wife from a failed marriage. She explained that she and her husband had been unable to have children, and had consequently set out to adopt a child to fill the void in their family. That
Love unexpressed
Friday, 25 February 2005
I was listening to a talk show recently where the discussion was centered on patriotism and love of country. Most were calling in talking about their appreciation for the freedoms they have in America. One person called in to say that, although he considered himself patriotic and felt that he loved his country, he didn’t
- Published in Commentary, Love
Christian friendly fire
Wednesday, 23 February 2005
In most wars, a good percentage of the casualties comes from “friendly fire,” or ammunition that hits the wrong target due mostly to inadequate communication and misunderstandings about the orders given. I was surprised at the start of the current Iraq war that the number of casualties from these kinds of accidents, including overturned trucks
- Published in Commentary, Love
Expressing the inexpressible
Tuesday, 22 February 2005
I am filled with awe that my niece was baptized into Christ this weekend and that she got to share in an exciting day of fellowship, singing, and good will with close to a hundred other believers from all over Southern California. It’s amazing how joy in Christ can be so contagious. I tried to
- Published in Commentary, Love
The deep things of God
Tuesday, 15 February 2005
What are the deep things of God? Sometimes I lose sight of what’s deep and what’s not so deep in the scheme of things. Was tithing of mint, rue, and other herbs a good thing for the Pharisees to do? Yes. Were those things the deep things of God? Forget about it. Luke 11:42 –
- Published in Commentary, Love
The Greatest Command
Friday, 04 February 2005
It occurs to me that if one or two commandments are the greatest, that others are lesser in importance. As difficult as this is to swallow, given our desire to obey all that Jesus commands, He had no problem prioritizing the commandments of God. Granted, the Old Law is the specific context of the Pharisee
- Published in Commentary, Love
Always the critic
Tuesday, 25 January 2005
Whenever I encounter other believers, I find myself ashamed at all of the critique that automatically flows like a river through my mind. I’m painfully aware that I’ve prided myself on being able to find something doctrinally wrong with any religious person or group I’ve ever encountered. What was I thinking? Of course, I can
- Published in Commentary, Love
Zero-sum love
Tuesday, 11 January 2005
In a zero-sum world, where the books must be reconciled each month, there is a fixed supply of love. In this model, when one feels it and expresses it toward new acquaintances in his life, there is less love available to the people who have always been there. It should be readily apparent to Christians
- Published in Commentary, Love
Freed from the law
Monday, 04 October 2004
When God spoke to Moses on the Mount, he delivered to him both a detailed, proscriptive law, and a pattern for the construction of the tabernacle. There were details for nearly every contingency. When questions arose about the application of a particular law, Moses would receive supplemental instruction directly from God to clarify. Was God’s
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Law, Love