Walking in the light of…love?
Monday, 29 July 2013
Many of us have been taught something very wrong about 1 John 4:8 – “Walk in the light as he is in the light and you’ll have fellowship one with another.” We’ve been told that if our brother is not walking in the light (as we obviously ARE…LOL), then we can’t have fellowship with him,
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Worshipping on Mountains
Wednesday, 02 March 2005
I found a very funny and useful parody about “prooftexting” our beliefs, written by a blogger named Rey at BibleArchive.com. I disagree with Rey on some important points of theology, like “eternal security” and insisting that being immersed into Christ is trying to be saved by our “works.” Rey, my friend, keep reading those Scriptures
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Reviews
What is the New Testament?
Friday, 18 February 2005
What is the New Testament? Of course, this question could be tackled from a number of different angles, but I want to look at the most basic one. Does the New Testament consist of the books of Matthew through Revelation? Hold your breath…no! Words and phrases take on new meanings as humans use them. For
- Published in Bible, Commentary
The whole Bible is our creed
Wednesday, 19 January 2005
The whole Bible is our creed, but what exactly does that mean? This is one of the most difficult issues for any Christian to think through, as evidenced by the number of debates over creeds through the millennia. Campbell, in the Parable of the Iron Bedstead, was gently urging his brothers at the time to
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Bible, Commentary
A less circular view of Romans 14
Tuesday, 18 January 2005
I know I’ve written about this before, but I need someone to help me see how the popular view of Romans 14 isn’t spinning in circles. Romans 14, remember, deals with the issue of two brothers whose consciences are in different places on the subject of meat offered to idols or observing days in honor
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Unity
Obedience: not if, but how
Tuesday, 16 November 2004
Believe me when I say that I have wrestled with the paradox of rejecting “pattern-finding” in the New Testament scriptures while accepting the self-evident notion that we ought to obey the instructions we find there. What makes this seem paradoxical is merely the presupposition that the examples and instructions we find recorded in the sacred
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Unity
The "Did they do it?" test
Friday, 15 October 2004
Yes or no? Did the new testament church do it or did they not? This was always my litmus test for church practices. If the new testament church didn’t support Bible colleges, it seemed self-evident that it was wrong to do so. If they didn’t hire professional pulpit ministers, then it seemed obvious that this,
- Published in Bible, Commentary
Freed from the law
Monday, 04 October 2004
When God spoke to Moses on the Mount, he delivered to him both a detailed, proscriptive law, and a pattern for the construction of the tabernacle. There were details for nearly every contingency. When questions arose about the application of a particular law, Moses would receive supplemental instruction directly from God to clarify. Was God’s
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Law, Love
Our pattern is a person
Monday, 04 October 2004
Many of us have labored too long under the impression that our ultimate pattern to emulate is the new testament church, as derived by a rational analysis of the language of the new testament. This concept has some value in determining God’s will, no doubt. But interpreting these patterns as our law to be bound
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Law
My creed…and mine alone
Wednesday, 15 September 2004
I think the restoration movement slogan “no creed but the New Testament” may need further discussion of the word “creed.” Creed: n. – A formal statement of religious belief; a confession of faith; a system of belief, principles, or opinions. [As defined by Dictionary.com] If that is all that is meant by the term “creed,”
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Bible, Church, Commentary
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