Newshound, writer, digital marketer, passionate about Jesus, unity, liberty, family, foster care & adoption.
Orthodoxy and the slippery slope of truth-seeking
Monday, 08 August 2016
Can Bible writers be trusted? I have always believed so, and continue to believe so, even while my conclusions drawn from their writings have evolved with age, knowledge, and (I hope), maturity. When we define Biblical truth by the popular understanding of it–whether so-called “historical Christianity” is our guidepost, or some other expression of orthodoxy–we
- Published in Orthodoxy
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The truth about gender
Monday, 24 February 2014
It’s stunning to see how quickly and completely our society has caved to the radical propaganda and outright lies of the sexual identity activists. Christians barraged with relativistic philosophies have been made to feel unloving and mean-spirited for speaking truth, and are now “tossed back and forth by every wind of doctrine” on this subject.
- Published in Commentary, Philosophy, Science
Are musical instruments in worship wrong?
Thursday, 20 February 2014
I have touched on this subject on this blog, but not yet delved into it fully until now. Is it okay for Christians to worship God with the accompaniment of musical instruments? This seems like such a silly question to believers outside of the nominal Church of Christ. “Why would it matter?,” they ask. For
- Published in Commentary, Musical Instruments
Walking in the light of…love?
Monday, 29 July 2013
Many of us have been taught something very wrong about 1 John 4:8 – “Walk in the light as he is in the light and you’ll have fellowship one with another.” We’ve been told that if our brother is not walking in the light (as we obviously ARE…LOL), then we can’t have fellowship with him,
Worshiping According To The Pattern
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
The following introductory chapter to Ketcherside’s book According To The Pattern is perhaps one of the most hard-hitting commentaries on the inherent logical problems with so-called “pattern theology,” i.e. the idea that we have to conform our “worship services” to the “pattern” that the first century church set for us. The problem is that the
- Published in Reviews, W. Carl Ketcherside
Solving For Love In The Equation of Life
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
The other day I read an article by a woman who had some painful experiences as an adoptive mother and wife from a failed marriage. She explained that she and her husband had been unable to have children, and had consequently set out to adopt a child to fill the void in their family. That
Live free or die
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
I read an article in the Idaho Statesman noting that Cuba may be angling to get rid of its ration books–the little booklets passed out by the government allocating equal shares of rice, beans, and other staples to all of its citizens. What was more shocking was reading that there are Cuban citizens upset by
- Published in Commentary
200th Anniversary of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address
Monday, 05 October 2009
While I’ve often said that I don’t believe unity can be manufactured by unity meetings, organizations, and resolutions (because unity is a point of view, i.e., something that exists in the hearts of believers), there is something to be said for the ability of unity meetings to assist in changing hearts and minds. Diane and
- Published in Reviews, Thomas Campbell
What does “inspired” mean?
Sunday, 23 August 2009
The Bible is inspired and authoritative, but many Christians misunderstand what that means. Does it mean that every statement found in Sacred Scripture is true? Absolutely not. I can hear the gasps right now as that statement sinks in, but it’s true. Not every statement in the Bible is accurate, much less authoritative. In fact,
- Published in Commentary
This truth about unity is self-evident
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
When I first heard this truth about unity, it was immediately self-evident. It was corroborated by everything I had ever read in Scripture, and resonated vividly with my understanding of the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament writers. Yet this truth is sadly not often taught in the church, and for obvious reasons –
- Published in Commentary