Orthodoxy and the slippery slope of truth-seeking
Monday, 08 August 2016
Can Bible writers be trusted? I have always believed so, and continue to believe so, even while my conclusions drawn from their writings have evolved with age, knowledge, and (I hope), maturity. When we define Biblical truth by the popular understanding of it–whether so-called “historical Christianity” is our guidepost, or some other expression of orthodoxy–we
- Published in Orthodoxy
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Speculative theology
Thursday, 27 January 2005
Here’s some speculative theology produced by creeds: The Western form of the Nicene Creed differs from the Eastern in what it says about the Holy Spirit. The Eastern form, following that adopted at Constantinople, says that the Holy Ghost “proceedeth from the Father.” The Western form of the Creed adds the words, “and the Son”
- Published in Commentary
Going off the deep end
Thursday, 23 September 2004
The many pathways of human thinking provide each of us with an infinite array of choices for which trailhead to follow next. I don’t think anyone takes a particular fork in the road of thought with the knowledge that it is a path of error. Correct and erroneous thinking alike are chosen because they are
- Published in Church, Commentary, Unity