Wednesday, 10 August 2005
I have, for all of my Christian life, considered myself non-denominational–maybe even un-denominational or anti-denominational. I still do, actually. I never believed (and I still don’t) that Jesus meant for his disciples to be divided up into this or that faction or “flavor” of Christianity. What has evolved is my understanding of the word “denominationalism.”
- Published in Commentary
Denominational echo chambers
Wednesday, 18 May 2005
Some media elites have trouble relating to middle America. The only people they know come from a humanist, left-leaning worldview. They wine and dine only with people in that crowd, they seek to curry favor with them for career and social advancement, and they bestow awards only to them. To these people, the heartland of
- Published in Commentary
The blame game
Tuesday, 05 April 2005
One thing I’ve been thinking about is where the blame lies for the current state of factionalism in Christianity. As a parent, I don’t tolerate my children blaming someone else for their own unloving actions. “He started it,” I hear. When I follow up on the story, I usually find out a little more than
- Published in Commentary
Opinions, opinions, opinions
Tuesday, 01 February 2005
One of the toughest things to wrap our minds around is distinguishing between opinions and inerrant truth. Until we do that, though, we’ll continue on the path of discord, because opinions are responsible for all the division we see in Christendom, not inerrant truth. It is not possible to force ourselves to hold the same
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Commentary
Are there Christians among the sects?
Thursday, 27 January 2005
The following are excerpted quotes from Ketcherside, compiled by Lloyd A. Boyll in 1989 under the book title of A New Spirit. –KH CHRISTIANS AMONG THE SECTS by W. Carl Ketcherside “I am convinced that there are many Christians among the sectarian parties of our day.” “Mind you, I do not believe that there are
- Published in Alexander Campbell, Unity, W. Carl Ketcherside
Another gem
Wednesday, 08 December 2004
Here is another gem from the interview of Carl Ketcherside as recorded in his book. Q: What has been the end of all previous reformation and restoration attempts? A: Every such attempt has invariably ended by producing another sect, generally more narrow, intolerant and uncharitable than those which have preceded it. As men concentrate on
- Published in Church, Commentary, Unity
Joining the party