Orthodoxy and the slippery slope of truth-seeking
Monday, 08 August 2016
Can Bible writers be trusted? I have always believed so, and continue to believe so, even while my conclusions drawn from their writings have evolved with age, knowledge, and (I hope), maturity. When we define Biblical truth by the popular understanding of it–whether so-called “historical Christianity” is our guidepost, or some other expression of orthodoxy–we
- Published in Orthodoxy
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Diversity and homogeneity
Thursday, 17 March 2005
Joe over at EO posted an interesting article today entitled Micromotives and Macrobehavior: How Diversity Leads to Homogeneity. He is writing about how even the extreme diversity of thought represented in the blogosphere tends to coalesce along standard political or religious lines. (I like Joe’s quote from Montaigne: “There were never in the world two
- Published in Commentary, Philosophy