Love, legalism, and marriage
Wednesday, 06 June 2007
A frequent subject of my prayers is to thank God for the love of my amazing wife. Because I have her love, I feel blessed and honored beyond measure. I could argue that most everything good in my life flows from the fact that I know without a doubt that I am loved by her.
- Published in Commentary
The last shall be last
Sunday, 26 March 2006
After years of trying to train my kids not to fight over being first in line at the dessert table, we recently encountered an interesting twist. They were fighting over being last. That’s right, instead of arguing about who was going to be first, they began arguing over the right to be last in line.
- Published in Commentary
Too good to be true
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Are you skeptical of those who talk about Christian liberty? To many of us, freedom in Christ seems too good to be true. It just doesn’t seem possible that the same God who struck down Uzzah, Nadab, and Abihu for breaking rules and regulations under the Old Law could shake heaven and earth with a
- Published in Commentary
What makes sin sin?
Tuesday, 15 March 2005
Ponder for a moment what makes sin sin. Is murder wrong because it is listed in the Decalogue? Is it wrong because it is listed in the new testament scriptures as sin? Or is it wrong because it violates our “social contract,” or the law of the land? No, forgive the circularity, but murder is
- Published in Commentary, Law
Is God binary?
Friday, 11 March 2005
Too often, I’ve made the mistake of thinking that God is binary–that He can only be “for” something or “agin it.” Fortunately, he’s more merciful than that. Often times, there is a third option that may be in play that we haven’t considered–“I don’t care, as long as you act in love.” I see this
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The deep things of God
Tuesday, 15 February 2005
What are the deep things of God? Sometimes I lose sight of what’s deep and what’s not so deep in the scheme of things. Was tithing of mint, rue, and other herbs a good thing for the Pharisees to do? Yes. Were those things the deep things of God? Forget about it. Luke 11:42 –
- Published in Commentary, Love
Obedience: not if, but how
Tuesday, 16 November 2004
Believe me when I say that I have wrestled with the paradox of rejecting “pattern-finding” in the New Testament scriptures while accepting the self-evident notion that we ought to obey the instructions we find there. What makes this seem paradoxical is merely the presupposition that the examples and instructions we find recorded in the sacred
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Unity
Want to go to edification service?
Thursday, 07 October 2004
We often call the Christian assembly “worship” or “worship service.” But is the congregation a forum for worship and service to God, or is it to strengthen and build up believers? Is it for Him or for us? These are two very different philosophies that lead to two very different conclusions about church practices. I
- Published in Church, Commentary
Freed from the law
Monday, 04 October 2004
When God spoke to Moses on the Mount, he delivered to him both a detailed, proscriptive law, and a pattern for the construction of the tabernacle. There were details for nearly every contingency. When questions arose about the application of a particular law, Moses would receive supplemental instruction directly from God to clarify. Was God’s
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Law, Love
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