What does “inspired” mean?
Sunday, 23 August 2009
The Bible is inspired and authoritative, but many Christians misunderstand what that means. Does it mean that every statement found in Sacred Scripture is true? Absolutely not. I can hear the gasps right now as that statement sinks in, but it’s true. Not every statement in the Bible is accurate, much less authoritative. In fact,
- Published in Commentary
Instruments of peace
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
It is ironic that musical instruments get the blame for a major division in Christ’s body when music is supposed to be (and is in fact) such a unifying part of Christian worship. There is nothing more unifying than standing and praising God in song together with other believers, whether there are instruments in the
- Published in Commentary
The law of silence in Scripture
Friday, 11 May 2007
Probably the most thorough, though in my opinion, misguided defense of the so called Law of Silence, comes from a conservative, non-institutional church of Christ website called Bible.ca. I have to admire the creativity of the author in presenting these opinions using the traffic sign analogies. They show a semblance of logic, much like a
- Published in Commentary
The flaw of silence
Sunday, 09 July 2006
Awhile back, I began to suspect that there was a flaw in the theory, sometimes called the Law of Silence, that the Bible’s silence on a subject is always prohibitive. I’ve found cases where it indeed appears to be, but also cases where it appears not to be. I’m convinced that figuring out which is
- Published in Commentary
Is God binary?
Friday, 11 March 2005
Too often, I’ve made the mistake of thinking that God is binary–that He can only be “for” something or “agin it.” Fortunately, he’s more merciful than that. Often times, there is a third option that may be in play that we haven’t considered–“I don’t care, as long as you act in love.” I see this
- Published in Commentary
Words mean things
Friday, 11 March 2005
There is an interesting article in BusinessWeek Online about whether bloggers are journalists: So is a blogger a journalist? Certainly, some organizations have begun to legitimize Web logs as a valid grassroots form of journalism. In 2004, bloggers for the first time received press passes to cover the conventions during the Presidential elections. They have
- Published in Commentary
Worshipping on Mountains
Wednesday, 02 March 2005
I found a very funny and useful parody about “prooftexting” our beliefs, written by a blogger named Rey at BibleArchive.com. I disagree with Rey on some important points of theology, like “eternal security” and insisting that being immersed into Christ is trying to be saved by our “works.” Rey, my friend, keep reading those Scriptures
- Published in Bible, Commentary, Reviews
What is the New Testament?
Friday, 18 February 2005
What is the New Testament? Of course, this question could be tackled from a number of different angles, but I want to look at the most basic one. Does the New Testament consist of the books of Matthew through Revelation? Hold your breath…no! Words and phrases take on new meanings as humans use them. For
- Published in Bible, Commentary
Firm and flexible
Tuesday, 08 February 2005
Good essay, Charles. –KH Firm and Flexible http://livwat.com/articles/10048.html by Charles Fry Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (Luke 1:45, NIV, -she was Mary) No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory
- Published in Commentary, Unity
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Are musical instruments in worship wrong?