Newshound, writer, digital marketer, passionate about Jesus, unity, liberty, family, foster care & adoption.
One of these days
Saturday, 21 January 2006
I just thought I’d post the words of a song that really resonated with me recently. I’ve done a search on the Internet and can’t find the songwriter’s name, so if anyone knows, please leave a comment on this page. I heard a beautiful rendition of it done by a group called Smalltown Poets, and
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My pride colored glasses
Tuesday, 03 January 2006
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the blinding nature of pride. It is so easy to see it in someone else, but we Christians must be honest that it is amazingly difficult to see it in ourselves. The moment we think we’ve reached maximum humility is the exact moment we’ve topped the charts in
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Confessions of a noun-Christian
Monday, 19 December 2005
As any adult can verify from personal experience, words change meanings over time as their contemporary usage changes. As fewer and fewer people use the word “skater“ to describe someone who roller skates (as opposed to rollerblading or skateboarding), so fewer and fewer people use the word “Christian” to simply describe someone who is Christlike.
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New sheet music available for download
Friday, 16 December 2005
My lovely wife sat down at the computer the other day with a tune in her head and wrote a beautiful little song from Psalms 14 and 15. I downloaded Finale (notation software) for the Mac and spent a couple days learning it and working out the harmony with Diane. I’m sure the chords aren’t
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Joining the party
Friday, 11 November 2005
Humans, with few exceptions, are social creatures. Since God was the author of our genetic code, which predisposes us to social interaction, it is no accident that the Author of our Salvation designed the Christian faith to resonate with the basic human desire to engage with other human beings. Unfortunately, though, in almost any social
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The non-judgmental Christian
Wednesday, 26 October 2005
“Never before in history has the absence of judgment been glorified as a virtue—the virtue of non-judgmentalism.” So says Thomas Sowell, a man I admire for his economic and political philosophy. I must confess, though, that while it might make a punchy political bumper sticker, it’s rather lacking in judgment when it come to spiritual
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The Christian Yom Kippur
Sunday, 16 October 2005
I stumbled upon an interesting newspaper article about the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur this week. I was surprised to find that there are still some traditions in modern Judaism that offer a bird as a sacrifice for their sins—a chicken, to be exact. I was under the impression that all animal sacrifices had ceased since
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Blessed are the peacemakers
Thursday, 01 September 2005
“Blessed are the peacemakers,” Jesus said. But do we Christians really take that to heart as a call to action, or is it just an abstract beatitude that we have our kids memorize? I never thought I’d identify in the slightest with the “peace movement.” When it comes to politics, I’m a law and order
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Silence is Divine