Newshound, writer, digital marketer, passionate about Jesus, unity, liberty, family, foster care & adoption.
Avoiding the hard job of living Christlike
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Ever notice that when your kids really don’t want to do something, they will find anything and everything else to do before getting to the undesirable job? Forget the kids, I do this myself. Sometimes the hard task gets postponed for something else that truly is a good thing to do. Nevertheless, the good becomes
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Was Genesis written by Moses?
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Was the Genesis record authored by Moses, or mashed up from unknown sources by unknown editors, as proponents of the Documentary Hypothesis (DH) would like us to believe? Maybe neither, as it turns out. There is an alternative hypothesis that makes a lot of sense and preserves the notion of divine caretaking of the ancient
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Love, legalism, and marriage
Wednesday, 06 June 2007
A frequent subject of my prayers is to thank God for the love of my amazing wife. Because I have her love, I feel blessed and honored beyond measure. I could argue that most everything good in my life flows from the fact that I know without a doubt that I am loved by her.
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The law of silence in Scripture
Friday, 11 May 2007
Probably the most thorough, though in my opinion, misguided defense of the so called Law of Silence, comes from a conservative, non-institutional church of Christ website called I have to admire the creativity of the author in presenting these opinions using the traffic sign analogies. They show a semblance of logic, much like a
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The flaw of silence
Sunday, 09 July 2006
Awhile back, I began to suspect that there was a flaw in the theory, sometimes called the Law of Silence, that the Bible’s silence on a subject is always prohibitive. I’ve found cases where it indeed appears to be, but also cases where it appears not to be. I’m convinced that figuring out which is
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Only from intellectuals
Monday, 03 April 2006
There are some things so ridiculous–and in fact, so evil–that only intellectuals could believe them. Like doomsday University of Texas professor Eric Pianka’s intentionally shocking idea that a 90% reduction in the human population is not merely an eventuality (as headlines spin it), but a solution to the “problem” of an overcrowded planet. Actually, the
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The last shall be last
Sunday, 26 March 2006
After years of trying to train my kids not to fight over being first in line at the dessert table, we recently encountered an interesting twist. They were fighting over being last. That’s right, instead of arguing about who was going to be first, they began arguing over the right to be last in line.
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Dealing with one another
Friday, 24 March 2006
I don’t know who compiled these “One Anothers,” but they illustrate how important our relationships are with people. All of the “book knowledge” in the world can’t replace the value of our one-on-one relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Knowing how we ought to behave is quite different from actually doing it. be
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Thoughts on anger
Sunday, 05 March 2006
I originally put these scriptures together to have a little chat with two of my kids who have been having a little temper problem lately. Then I realized they would make good reading for a discussion that our group does frequently involving all the kids. Then I realized they would be great for us adults
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Instruments of peace