Welcome to the new Gospel Union, which was moved from my family website onto its own site here at kevinmharper.com. After abandoning the Blogger platform years ago and moving my posts to the family site, I stopped adding new articles for quite a long time. Partly due to the busy-ness of life and partly due to a long period of reflection on where I’d come from spiritually and where I was going, that break now represents a pretty important chapter in my thinking.
The content up to that point had been mostly about recording my own ascent out of a legalistic mindset; one that valued strict adherence to my opinions about the Bible over adherence to the Bible itself. There is a subtle difference. The hiatus from writing about these subjects served to solidify some of the ideas in my mind, submitting them to the useful refinery of practical experience. There is no better way to mature a set of ideas than to try them.
I think this old content may have some value to some people, so I’ll leave it relatively untouched as a memento of those days; but I think the mission of Gospel Union – promoting peace and unity among believers for the furthering of the Kingdom – is worth carrying on, with some new themes as well as (hopefully) some matured perspectives on older ones.
With that, I’ll leave you wondering where I’ll be going next with the subject matter. I’m not sure I have it all figured out; but I hope you’ll subscribe and come along for the ride.
Very good site